The Turner Family

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

The kids had a full day of Easter Egg hunts this year. They started at Tauphaus Park. There were tons of eggs and the kids had to go to their age group to hunt. Both Lizzy and Travis were in the same group. They went with all the 3 and 4 year olds. Lizzy and Travis had a full basket of eggs. They got a few free kids dinners at Sizzler and lots of certificates for Blast Off. The Easter Bunny even come to the park. The kids had fun seeing the Easter bunny.

Our next stop was going to the church for a Primary Easter Egg hunt. They let the younger kids go first and find 9 eggs each. Then the older kids got to go look. Travis was super fast getting his 9 eggs. It took him about a minute. Lizzy took her time looking for eggs. Then the kids got to decorate some cookies with colored frosting. Lizzy ate 3 cookies and Travis ate 2.

Eric helping the kids open their eggs.

Our last egg hunt on Saturday was at Grandma and Grandpa Turner's house. The kids had fun finding 20 eggs each. Then we had dinner and just relaxed the rest of the night.

Sunday morning the Easter Bunny left a basket full of goodies for the kids. They had fun looking through them. Then I hid eggs in their bedroom. The kids had fun finding eggs again.

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