Today was Eric's birthday. I planned a ton of things to do today so it wasn't exactly relaxing for Eric. The day started with the kids giving Eric his birthday present. They got him a fan for his laptop. I got him tickets for the Jazz game for next Saturday. I'm excited because the seats are on the lower part. Then we had to go to the church to help clean the building. When we were done we stayed for a primary teacher appreciation breakfast. Then we went to another church building to go to a friends baptism. I was asked to give a talk on Baptism. The kids enjoyed the baptism. We went home for about 2 hours for lunch and a small nap. Then the kids went to the store with Eric so then could get birthday presents for my birthday tomorrow. While they were at the store, I sold the glider. That meant that we could go buy the swivel recliner that Eric has wanted for a while. We went to look at Blackers and didn't like their prices. We then had to go to JC Penny for family pictures. Then we went to Soft Mart to buy the recliner. We ate dinner at Red Robin and then went to pick up the recliner. We got it home and were finally able to relax. It has been a full and exhausting day for everyone. I will have to remember not to plan such a full day next year for Eric.